Why does it say "Hodinu" twice?
Rashi: We thank You for the good, and even for the evil.
Radak: It is to strengthen the thanks that Yisrael will thank You.
What is the meaning of "v'Karov Shemecha"?
Rashi: Your name is always in our mouths.
Radak: They will say that Your name is close to those who call to You.
Malbim: Now, it seems that the world conducts by itself via nature, and Your name is distanced from the world. However, if we will see Your wonders and breaches of nature, it will be seen that Your name is close and supervises over this lowly world.
Who told Hashem's wonders?
Rashi: Our generations, constantly.
Radak: Yisrael and the nations who will see the redemption will tell wonders that Kel did with Yisrael, and what You already said via Your Nevi'im.
Malbim: Your wonders tell that Your name is close to Your creations, and You are close to all who call to You.