
What is the meaning of "Yasa Kadim"?


Rashi: "A wind went from Hashem and blew Slavim from the sea" (Bamidbar 11:31). Radak - it was an east wind.


Malbim: An east wind blew them. The sea was to the northwest. Hashem caused that an east wind and a south wind ("va'Ynaheg b'Uzo Seiman"; i.e. they blow from the east and south) bring the Slav, lest people say that it was a chance occurrence.


What is the meaning of "va'Ynaheg b'Uzo Seiman"?


Radak: It was a south wind. [The entire verse discusses one wind;] it was a southeast wind.


Malbim: Refer to 78:26:1:2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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