Why does it say "Tishma ha'Shamayim"?
Radak: This is like Min ha'Shamayim.
Why did Shlomo ask Hashem to punish the Rasha?
Radak: Even though You normally are patient with one who swears falsely, and do not punish him at the time of his sin, if he swears [falsely] in this Bayis, do not be patient. People should recognize that this chosen place helped to rush the punishment, and they will fear this place. This is Your honor, and You commanded "u'Mikdashi Tira'u" (Vayikra 19:30)!
Malbim: It will be known who sinned (refer to 8:32:3:1).
Which Rasha should be punished?
Radak: One who swears falsely or makes another swear without reason, and the latter swears truthfully. The punishment is on the one who made him swear.
What is "Lases Darko b'Rosho"?
Rashi (from Tosefta Sotah 1:4): Her stomach will swell
Sotah 8b: She is punished Midah k'Neged Midah. She sinned with the thigh and stomach, so her thigh falls off and her stomach swells.
Why does it say "to vindicate the Tzadik"?
Rashi: [If a Sotah is innocent], "she will be cleansed, and bear seed" (Bamidbar 5:28).