What is the meaning of "Kaveh l'Shalom"?
Radak: This is Makor (like an infinitive). If we will hope for Shalom from the enemy, there is not Tov, and there is not Shalom.
Malbim: The nation says, it is proper to hope for Shalom. Why is there no good?
What is "l'Es Marpe"?
Radak: It is [time of] Refu'ah from the pain of the afflictions, as if there is an Aleph at the end.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: At the time of pardon of sins - behold, the punishment for sins! This is like "Refa'ah Nafshi Ki Chatasi Lach" (Tehilim 41:5).
Malbim: The Navi answers - it was time to hope for Refu'ah of the soul's illness, i.e. Teshuvah.
What is "Ve'asah"?
Radak: It is great afflictions that pain and anger us.
Malbim: The nation persists in its evil.