What wealth and honor is with [Chachmah]?
Malbim: It says above ("bi'Smolah Osher v'Chavod" (3:16). Here it explains "Hon Asek u'Tzdakah." Hon Asek corresponds to Osher. A person's wealth does not last a long time. It will not accompany him in his future world 1 . However, the wealth of Chachmah is old wealth that endures. He will take it with him to the eternal world. Tzedakah corresponds to honor. Usually, a person's honor is not bi'Tzdakah (justified). However, honor of Chachmah is justified, and via virtue of deeds. This is the true honor - "v'Halach Lefanecha Tzidkecha Kevod Hashem Ya'asfecha" (Yeshayah 58:8).
Presumably,, the text should say Olamo in place of Amalo. (PF)