
Why were the messengers befuddled?


Rashi: They rushed to do quickly. They needed to pass the first messengers and arrive before them 1 .


Vilna Gaon: They befuddled them so they will not know what is [the new decree]; they did not give to them rest 2 .


Malbim: They did not know why they are being sent again. Mordechai was clever not to announce the new edict in Shushan until after the messengers left for the same reason as Haman - if enemies of the Yehudim find out, they will send advocates to the king to change the edict.


If so, why did Mordechai delay more than two months before sending the latter messengers? Surely Sheluchim sent to nearby Medinos already reached them! (PF)


Surely Sheluchim sent to nearby Medinos returned earlier! Even if such Sheluchim were commanded to go also to other places, surely some returned earlier than others, and had some rest! (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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