
Why was it necessary to sprinkle the Mei Chatas on the Levi'im before they began to serve in the Mishkan?


Rashi: Because some of them were Tamei Meis. 1


See Sifsei Chachamim.


What are the implications of "al Kol Besaram"?


Pesikta Rabah: It implies 'on all parts of the body that are visible - to preclude the covered areas. 1


Such as under the arm-pit and the Beis-ha?Ervah. See Torah Temimah, note 4.


Why did they need to shave their entire bodies?


Rashi (citing R. Moshe ha'Darshen): Because they were being given over to atone for the Bechoros, 1 who had served Avodah-Zarah (when they worshipped the Golden Calf) - and, on the one hand, Avodah-Zarah is called 'Zivchei Meisim', whilst on the other, a Metzora is called 'Meis'. So they needed to be shaved like Metzora'im. 2


Moshav Zekenim citing Ri: Before Chet ha'Egel, there were no deaf, blind or lame Yisraelim ? "Kulach Yafah Rayasi" (Shir ha'Shirim 4:7). Once the made the Egel, they became Metzora'im ? it says "Ki Fera'o Aharon" (Sh'mos 32:25), like "v'Rosho Yihyeh Faru'a" (Vayikra 13:45).


Moshav Zekenim, citing R. Eliezer of Garmaiza: In the same way as a servant does not mix his master's drinks wearing the clothes in which he cooked his dinner, 3 so should the hairs, which are a garment for the body and which have been used for Chulin, not be used to serve Hekdesh.


Malbim: Hair is the excess of the brain. Shaving demonstrates purity of thoughts and mindset.


Oznayim la'Torah #1 (citing the Zohar in Terumah): Because the Levi'im are rooted in the Midah of Din (See Oznayim la'Torah) and as long as their hair 4 is growing, they cannot become Tahor.


Oznayim la'Torah #2: Since hair is the excess of the body, removing it is to teach the Levi'im to desest the excesses of the material world.


The Oznayim la'Torah queries this however, from Pasuk 12, which spcifically states that the current Korbanos came to atone for the Levi'im.


R. Chaim Paltiel: They shaved the rest of the body like Metzora'im, but not the head and eyebrows, for it is shameful. However, the Midrash implies otherwise. From here, if an apostate repents, he must shave his head. (What is the source to shave the head, and not the entire body? ?PF) However, immediately he does not disqualify wine, even before he immerses. See Sifsei Chachamim.


Shabbos 114a.


Which contain the 'shells (or peels) of Tum'ah.


When did the Levi'im shave?


Ibn Ezra, Chizkuni and Moshav Zekenim: Before Haza'ah of Mei Chatas.



Rashi writes that some of them were Tamei Meis. How did this occur, seeing as before Matan Torah, Tum'ah had not yet been instituted?


R. Bachye: They became Tamei by killing those who served the Eigel (Sh'mos 32:27).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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