
What do we learn from "Yelchu me'Chayil El Chayil"?


Radak citing Brachos 64a #1: If one leaves the Beis ha'Keneses and enters the Beis Midrash 1 and learns Torah, he merits to greet the Shechinah -- "Yelchu... Yera'eh El Elokim b'Tziyon."


Radak citing Brachos 64a #2: Chachamim have no Menuchah 2 in this world, nor in the next.


Rashi: This discusses "Yoshevei Veisecha" with "Mesilos bi'Lvavam" (verses 5-6). Radak (citing a Midrash) - they will go from Beis ha'Mikdash to Beis ha'Midrash.


Radak #1: The Talmidim will go from Tzva to Tzva, i.e. from one Beis Midrash to another, until they come to "Elokim b'Tziyon."


Radak #2: Olei Regalim went from Tzva to Tzva; one Tzva (group ascending) found another.


Malbim: These Mesilos (paths) go from strength to strength; the strong Bitachon in their hearts will lead them from level to level, and bring the salvation to be seen in front of Hashem in Tziyon.


I do not know why Rashi says 'from the Beis Midrash to the Beis ha'Keneses.' (PF)


What is the attribute of having no rest?! Ha'Kosev in Ein Yakov - they have no cessation from learning. Ma'alos ha'Torah (DH Gam Yadu'a) - Menuchah is Tachlis (end); Shabbos is called Menuchah, for it is the Tachlis of the days of work. The pleasure of Chachamim in Gan Eden has no Tachlis or end.


What is "Elokim b'Tziyon"?


Radak citing Brachos 64a: It is the Shechinah.


Radak: It is the big Chachamim who expound Chachmah in Beis Elokim in Tziyon.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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