
How is Hashem "Gadol"?


Radak: [All will recognize that] He is greater than all gods, and He does wonders.


Malbim: He is the First cause and the last, until the end result. If so, clearly "there are no deeds like Yours" (verse 8), and there was no partner in creating the world.


Why does it say "v'Oseh Nifla'os Atah Elokim Levadecha"?


Rashi (based on Shocher Tov): Shamayim and Aretz were created before the angels (so all admit that You alone made them). Therefore, all Goyim will honor Your name.


Radak: After the Goyim will see the wonders You will do with Yisrael to take them from among the Goyim, they will recognize that You alone are G-d.


Malbim: Since You do wonders to override nature, it is clear that You conduct all powers of nature, and "no one is like You" (verse 8). I.e. You create, supervise and can override nature. If so, You have the power to save me. Therefore, I will call to You on the day of my affliction, for You will answer me (verse 7).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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