
Why does he ask Hashem to show to him His way?


Radak: Even though I know that You alone are G-d, from tradition and my small knowledge, I request that You show to me Your way, to increase my knowledge of Chachmah of Your creation (nature); all stands via Your great strength.


Malbim: Show to me how You conduct the world with Chesed and mercy, so I will learn to go in these ways - "v'Halachta bi'Drachav" (Devarim 28:9) - just like He is merciful


Why does he say "Ahalech ba'Amitecha"?


Radak: After I will know Chachmah of nature, I will have a path to attain Chachmah of Elokus. Even though I cannot attain [much], I will attain a little, according to [the limits of] human intellect.


Malbim: Inform me of truths hidden from human intellect, i.e. matters of His way and conduct, which are Chukim of the Torah and its Mitzvos, so I will know to go in them.


What is the request "Yached Levavi Leyir'ah Shemecha"?


Radak: (a) Help me, and unify my heart that it will not turn here and there, rather, it will only fear Your name. (b) Help me and I will not fear people, only Your name alone, and through it, I will be helped.


Malbim: Inform me truths of Emunah that one attains via investigation of Hashem's unity, Hashgachah, ability

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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