
Why does it say "Mi Gever


Radak: There is no one [who can live and escape death and the grave].


Malbim: All generations are destined to die, via Adam ha'Rishon's sin. Who will not see death, like Eliyahu ha'Navi, who remained alive, or at least save his Nefesh from She'ol 1 ?! At a time of Galus, it is hard to find happiness of the Nefesh and the promised salvation; then, death will depart - "Lo Yihyeh mi'Sham Od Ol Yamim v'Zaken" (Yeshayah 65:20).


Usually, She'ol is the grave. It seems that here, Malbim explains like he did in Iyov 26:6, that it is destruction. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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