What is the meaning of "Shimtuha"?
Rashi: Cast her out of the window, to the ground.
Why is it Shimtuha written with a Vov at the end, and we pronounce it with a Hei?
Radak: The Kesiv hints to Navos - [Izevel] commanded to [frame him] and cast him down (the first part of Misas Skilah). So Yehu commanded to do to her, to cast her down and trample her.
What is the significance that her blood came on the wall?
Radak: This shows Hashem's judgment of this Rasha. Her blood was seen on the wall for many days.
What is the meaning of "va'Yirmesenah"?
Radak: Yehu himself trampled her with his horse. Ralbag - this was to fulfill "v'Haysa Nivlas Izevel k'Domen Al Pnei ha'Adamah" (verse 37 1 ).
Ralbag implies that this was part of the Nevu'ah. One could have explained that the Nevu'ah was only that dogs will eat her flesh (verse 36, and Melachim I, 21:23); verse 37 merely describes what happened. (PF)