
What is the meaning of "Halchu mi'Shod Mitzrayim"?


Rashi: They left their place due to the many plunderers that will come against them with Nebuchadnetzar.


Radak: They went to Egypt due to the severity of the hunger. On the day of the Churban, to where will they flee for help!? Shod is hunger, like "ha'Shod veha'Shever" (Yeshayah 51:19). Hunger and the sword will make them gather.


Malbim: It said "v'Shav Efrayim Mitzrayim" (3). Yisrael thought that they return to the land of their birth, for the nation was born in Egypt. They thought to nurse from Shadayim of their mother. The Navi teaches that this is wrong. Really, Eretz Yisrael is their mother ? there they nursed honey and milk, "Al Shadayim Sofedim" (Yeshayah 32:12).


Where is "Mof"?


Rashi: It is part of Egypt. Radak - Mof is like Nof; also "Kimham" is "Kimhan" (Shmuel II, 19:38-41; the Mem is in place of a Nun).


What do we learn from "Tikberem"?


Radak: Those who go there will die via the sword and hunger.


Malbim: They intended to return to the land of their birth, to nurse from their mother. Really, they go from the land of their birth to death and burial.


What is "Machmad l'Chaspam"?


Rashi: Houses of the coveted treasures of their money.


What are "Kimosh" and "Cho'ach"?


Targum Yonasan: Karsulin and Chasulin. Rashi - they are kinds of Chayos 1 . Malbim ? they will inherit the land, i.e. it will be desolate.


Radak: They are kinds of thorns. When the houses will be destroyed, in place of the money, thorns will sprout.


Since Rashi did not specify which Chayos, this implies that they are not known. If so, Chasulin are not cats. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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