What is the meaning of "Mah Tovu"?
Rashi: How great is the good hidden for that generation!
Radak: How good will be the fruits of your land!
Malbim: They will say, what is the beauty of the crown? Why do we need crown jewels? What beauty is found in it?
What is the significance of "Dagan Bachurim"?
Rashi: It gives strength to young men.
Radak: How good is the grain and wine that raises beautiful male and female youths like will be in those days!
Malbim: The young men will say 'grain', and the virgins will say 'wine'. They will not request anything else, e.g. gems. It is not important in their eyes.
What is the meaning of "v'Sirosh Yenovev Besulos"?
Rashi #1: It makes virgins sing and rejoice.
Rashi #2: It sprouts in virgin land [that was never farmed]. It is laudable wine.
Refer to 9:17:2:2-3.