Why will these cities of Pelishtim be afraid or shamed...?
Malbim: They always had a Bris with Tzor and helped them - "Al ha'Yom ha'Ba Lishdod Es Kol Pelishtim Lehachris l'Tzor ul'Tzidon Kol Sarid Ozer" (Yirmeyahu 47:4), "Mah Atah Li Tzor v'Tzidon v'Chol Gelilos Pelashes" (Yo'el 4:4).
What will Ashkelon see and fear?
Rashi: It will see the fall of Tzor, and fear. Also Azah will fear.
Radak: When it sees that Tzor was humbled, also it will be humbled in front of Yisrael. The same applies to Azah and Ekron.
What is the meaning of "Ki Hovish Mebatah"?
Rashi: It relied on Tzor, which was the head of Bnei Esav. Also Ekron was of Edom, like it says in Megilah 1 . Initially, it was of Pelishtim.
Radak: It looked to Tzor, and hoped to be saved with it, due to its strength. Hovish is Boshes (shame). It will be shamed with Tzor when Hashem will be Morish it.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Ekron will be ashamed of what it trusted in.
Megilah 6a: "Ekron will be uprooted" refers to Kisari of Edom.
How did Azah lose its king?
Radak: The king that it had at the time, he and his kingship will be lost; Yisrael will take [his kingdom].
Malbim: It will be settled again, but they will no longer have a king.
Will Ashkelon not be settled?
Radak: It will not be settled with the people who used to dwell there. Yisrael will settle it.
Malbim: Correct. It will not be settled at all.