
What is the meaning of "l'Susasi b'Richvei Pharaoh Dimisich Rayasi"?


Rashi citing Shir ha'Shirim Rabah 1:49: The Lamed in l'Susasi [means at the time,] like "l'Kol Tito Hamon Mayim" (Yirmeyah 10:13) and "l'Rei'ach Shemanecha" (3). Susasi is the gathering of many horses, that I gathered My camps to go to greet you against Pharaoh's chariots, to save you - "Darachta va'Yam Susecha" (Chabakuk 3:15) is many horses. There Dimisich, My beloved - I silenced you from your screaming - "v'Atem Tacharishun" (Shemos 14:14).


Rashi: "Dimisich Rayasi" - I considered that you are My beloved.


Seforno: Just like occurred to you when My horse was among Pharaoh's chariots, that My Shechinah was revealed on you like a warrior and you defeated all of them, so I portrayed you as My beloved. They will praise your deeds and mindsets in the foundations of the Torah and its wonders, and you will not return 1 .


Malbim (Melitzah): Via the signs that Hashem gave to Nefesh Shlomo, how to recognize His ways and understand His Emes, he merited the prophetic vision, and Hashem spoke to him in a dream, in Giv'on. Hashem sees that Nefesh Shlomo received ornaments from the body that joined with him, like we will explain (refer to 1:10:1:3). The powers that conduct Shlomo's body are called Pharaoh's chariots, for they draw the chariot of the body. They left Egypt, a place of Zenus. The imagination and arousal tried to conduct Shlomo's chariot (his body) so it will love many foreign women - pride, lust, envy, [craving] honor and wealth, and he will love Zenus, i.e. Bas Pharaoh. The Divine Nefesh - also it was given to him to conduct the chariot of his body - is called l'Susasi. It is the horse of the "One who rides in Aravos" (Tehilim 68:5, i.e. in Shamayim). It is prepared to conduct the small chariot (Shlomo's bodily) to the side that the supreme Rider conducts the great chariot (the entire existence) - to good, happiness and perfection. Ha'Melech Shlomo (the Yetzer who rules over his chariot) tied the Divine horse to Pharaoh's chariot to the direction of Pharaoh's horses, to be drawn after physicality. Even so, My horse will conduct according to My desire.


Malbim (Mashal): Via the signs that he gave to his beloved, she was able to flee from Chadrei Shlomo to her beloved in the Midbar. The verse tells what happened between them. The shepherd who sees that she is adorned with gold ornaments and pearls, says 'you look like my horse in Pharaoh's chariot.' I.e. it seems that Shlomo took my horse and tied it in his chariot that he has from Egypt, from Beis Pharaoh - "va'Tetzei Merkavah mi'Mitzrayim" (Melachim I, 10:29). Even though Shlomo has many good horses and chariots, he took also my only horse and tied it to his chariot. I.e. even though he had many wives and concubines, and Bas Pharaoh at the head, he took also my beloved.


Perhaps he means 'you will not return to the low level you were at in Egypt' (PF).

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