
Who heard this?


Radak: The Navi speaks on behalf of the nations. They heard that Mo'av was very haughty during their serenity.


Why does it discuss the pride of Mo'av?


Malbim: This is one of three reasons why they did not do like counseled, to request help from Yehudah. (a) Due to their pride, they did not want to lower themselves. (b) Ge'ono - now they were a big, strong nation and relied on their strength. (c) Evraso - their anger and hatred for Yisrael.


Malbim (Yirmeyah 48:29): They were told to abandon their cities and flee to the Midbar, to escape the enemy. Due to their pride, they did not flee, for they thought that the enemy cannot overcome them.


What is the meaning of "Gei Me'od"?


Rashi: It became very haughty. Radak - this is like Ga'ah, just the Hei is omitted.


Why are there additional expressions of pride?


Rashi: Their pride is unjustified. They come from Mamzerus 1 and Zenus of Lot's daughters 2 with their father.


Radak: This is due to their great pride.


Seemingly, Mo'av comes from only the older daughter! Perhaps Rashi explains why also Amonim are haughty. Alternatively, perhaps a twin sister was born with Ben Ami. She married Mo'av, for others did not want to marry 'Mamzerim'. The Torah does not mention a twin, but one opinion holds that twin sisters were born with the Shevatim, and the Torah did not mention them! (PF)


What is the meaning of "v'Evraso Lo Chen Badav"?


Rashi #1: [Mo'av's] conception and pregnancy [was not proper. It came from Zenus of Lot and his daughter].


Rashi (here and in Yirmeyah 48:30) #2: [Mo'av's] anger that he bears for Yisrael is improper. They deny the good [that Yisrael's patriarch Avraham did for their patriarch Lot. He fought the [four] kings, and saved Lot!


Radak #1: Mo'av's hatred for its Nochri neighbors is without reason, only due to its pride.


Radak #2: Mo'av's lies, i.e. what it said amidst pride, will not be fulfilled, now that evil came on them. "Chen" is true, like "Ken Bnos Tzlafchad Dovros" (Bamidbar 27:7). Badav is its liars, like "Cherev El ha'Badim v'No'alu" (Yirmeyah 50:36).


Malbim: [Mo'av's] thoughts are not to do like they were counseled, to seek refuge in the shade of Malchei Yehudah.

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