
Why does it say "Layshah"? In Yehoshua (19:47), it says that they came to Leshem!


Rashi (27 1 ): There it is called Leshem, for they found there the gem called Leshem; this was the stone on the Choshen (Shemos 28:19) on which Dan's name was written. Through finding [this stone], they knew that it is their inheritance.


Radak: The city had two names.


I do not know why Rashi did not explain so here, rather, below. (PF)


Why does it say what they dwell secure?


Malbim: They are not warriors. There are four reasons why a nation learns [how to fight a] war (and none apply to them). (a) They normally conquer lands, and are financed from booty. They do not do so. They are Tzidonim, who were merchants or shepherds. (b) If they fear outside enemies. They dwell secure, that enemies will not invade. (c) There are conflicts between cities and families. "Ein Machlim Davar" (they are at peace with each other). (d) If there is a king and his sons inherit his kingship, he has an army to secure his kingship. "V'Ein... Yoresh Etzer" - they do not have this.


Why does it say "Yosheves" (feminine? Ha'Am is masculine!)


Radak: We find like this, e.g. "l'Chatas Amecha" Melachim 1:8:34) and "Shovevah ha'Am ha'Zeh" (Yirmeyah 8:5).


What is "ka'Mishpat Tzidonim"?


Radak: They were close to Eretz Yisrael, and serene. They did not make war, for they were not among the seven Kena'ani nations; they did not fear Yisrael.


What is the meaning of "Ein Machlim Davar"?


Rashi: No one there needs something from his friend, and he is turned back empty and shamed, like it says below (verse 10) "Ein Machsor Kol Davar."


Radak, like Targum Yonasan: They do not have neighbors who harm them and shame them about anything. This is like "Lo Hechlamnum" (Shmuel 1:25:7). They do not fear and do not guard themselves, so it is easy to conquer and do not guard the city, and do not have weapons.


Malbim: They are at peace with each other.


What is the meaning of "Yoresh Etzer"?


Rashi: They have few heirs. If you kill them, others will not be aroused to fight those who took possession of what they should inherit.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The heirs of the kingship are young, and do not have a strong hold on the kingship.


Malbim: It a king whose sons inherit his kingship. "Ein" applies also to this. Radak - "Etzer" is kingship, like "Zeh Yatzor b'Ami" (Shmuel 1:9:17).


What is the meaning of "v'Davar Ein Lahem Im Adam"?


Rashi: They have no Bris with others (Malbim - neighbors) who will come to help them when they need.


How did the spies know all this?


Radak: They entered the city and claimed to be merchants who want to settle in the land, and asked about the land.

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