
Is man's desire his Chesed?


Rashi: Primarily, people desire a man for his Chesed.


R. Yonah: Ta'avah is beauty and desire, like "Navu Lechayayich" (Shir ha'Shirim 1:10) - desired. [Navu] is Nif'al conjugation, like Na'asu, Nivnu. This is his glory; people desire and praise a Ba'al Chesed.


Malbim: The Chesed that a person does, this gives to him his To'ar (description). His inner form is recognized from the Chesed revealed from him. Via it, his Midos and natures are recognized.


How is an Oni better than a liar?


Rashi: If the liar promises and does not fulfill, the Oni is better than him.


R. Yonah: This is even if the liar does much Chesed. Do not love to steal and do Chesed; the verse discusses a liar who does Chesed. "Tov Rash Holech b'Sumo me'Ikesh Sefasav" - even if the latter is rich, like I explained (refer to 19:1:1:1, 19:1:2:1). Chazal (Koheles Rabah 4:9) gave am, for this, of a harlot who takes apples for her hire, and gives them to the sick.


Malbim: The liar promises Chesed and does not fulfill. The Oni is better, for perhaps his nature leans towards Chesed. The liar, it is seen that not only does he not want to do Chesed - he also falsifies his trustworthiness.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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