
What is the meaning of "v'Hikeisei Beis ha'Choref Al Beis ha'Kayitz"?


Rashi: They were pampered ? the rich built two houses, one for the winter and one for the summer. Radak ? kings do so. It says about Yehoyakim "veha'Melech Yoshev Beis ha'Choref ba'Chodesh ha'Teshi'i" (Yirmeyah 36:22), and about Eglon "v'Hu Yoshev ba'Aliyas ha'Mekerah" (Shoftim 3:20) ? it was made for summer.


How will Hashem strike these houses?


Radak: The earthquake will topple all the king's palaces.


Malbim: The rebels destroyed Beis ha'Melech ? both his winter home and his summer home. (a) Many houses were destroyed via the tumult among them ? "va'Yhi h'Am k'Ma'acholes Esh; ? Menasheh Es Efrayim v'Efrayim Es Menasheh" (Yeshayah 9:18-19). (b) They slandered their king to Melech Ashur, so he incarcerated Hoshe'a when he came to him. This was the snare; via this, later Melech Ashur besieged Shomron, captured it and exiled Yisrael.


What are "Batei ha'Shen"?


Rashi: They are houses paved with ivory (elephant tusks). Radak ? it says about Achav "u'Veis ha'Shen Asher Banah" (Melachim I, 22:39).


What are "Batim Rabim"?


Radak #1: They are many houses.


Radak #2: They are built great (large), i.e. palaces.

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