
Why does it say "Ratz Likros Ratz", and "Magid Likros Magid"?


Radak: The first will go and tell the king, and return, and find another Ratz coming to tell the king that his city was captured. (They go in different directions, so it does not say 'Acharei'.)


Malbim: The first Ratz will tell that the Giborim sit in fortresses and do not fight. Another will tell that they are like women, and their houses were lit on fire (verse 30). A Magid will come to tell that the capitol was captured on one side, and another that the strongholds around Bavel were captured (refer to 51:32:1:2).


What is the meaning of "mi'Katzeh"?


Radak: It is from one side.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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