What is "Navah"?
Radak: It is one who sits in her place calmly. It is an adjective in the female, like Davah.
Radak citing R. Yehudah Chiyug: This is like Na'avah with an Aleph (beautiful), like "Navu Lechayayich ba'Turim" (Shir ha'Shirim 1:10).
Radak citing his father: It is cut off, like "Nidmu Ami" (Hoshe'a 4:6).
Malbim: This refers to its place - a habitat of shepherds and flock.
What is "Me'unagah"?
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It is finicky.
Metzudas Tziyon: It is pampered.
What is the meaning of "Damisi"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: I destroyed. This is like "v'Nadamu Ne'os ha'Shalom" (25:37), "Nidmasah Ashkelon" (47:5).
Radak: It is Po'el Yotzei (it acts on others). This is like "Dimisicha Rayasi" (Shir ha'Shirim 1:9). I.e. I compared Bas Tziyon to a beautiful, pampered woman.