
Why does it say "v'Richak Hashem"?


Radak: Do not say that they will be exiled to a close place, and they will return to their land. Rather, they will be distanced to the end of the land, like the 10 tribes were exiled to "Lachlach v'Chavor" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 5:26), and Yehudah and Binyamin to Bavel. Also Amos said (5:27) "v'Higleisi Eschem me'Hal'ah l'Damesek." Do not think that you will be exiled close to your land, like Damesek. Rather, it will be much further.


Malbim: Melech Ashur will not exile the 10 tribes to a close place, that there would be hope that they will return. Hashem will distance them to "Nehar Gozen v'Arei Madai" (Melachim II, 17:6).


Does "Adam" refer to all people?


Radak: Even though "Emcheh Es ha'Adam" (Bereishis 6:7) refers to the entire species, here it refers only to Yisrael, and similarly "v'Naflah Nivlas ha'Adam" (Yirmeyah 9:21).


What is the meaning of "v'Rabah ha'Azuvah"?


Rashi: The land will be abandoned from them. The abandoned places in the land will increase. Radak - "ha'Azuvah" is a noun. Its grammatical form is like Meluchah. It will be great, i.e. for a long time.


Malbim: Also the remnant that will remain in the land from the poor, who tend vineyards and fields (or trap the Chilazon), will leave the land by themselves (without coercion).

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