
Why does it say "Mikve Yisrael Hashem"?


Rashi: He sits on the throne. Therefore, all who abandon You will be ashamed.


Radak #1: [Yirmeyah] calls to the hope of Yisrael and the security of all who trust in Him. Also Yonason translates Mikve as 'the hope of.'


Radak #2: Some say that Mikve is an expression of a Mikveh; You are Metaher Yisrael like a Mikveh. My first Perush (refer to 17:13:1:2) is correct.


Why will all who abandon You be ashamed?


Rashi: Refer to 17:13:1:1.


Radak: They will be ashamed that they trusted in people, like it said above.


Malbim: They abandoned Hashem, who dwells and supervises in the Mikdash, and went to see human help. There ashamed of what they relied on.


What is the meaning of "v'Surei ba'Aretz Yikasevu"?


Rashi: Those who veer from my words and do not heed my Shelichus, they will be written in graves under the ground.


Radak: Those who veer from Hashem and His Avodah will be written in the land to return to the earth, like animals. They will not have a part remaining that will be written in Shamayim, from Bnei Aliyah, because they abandoned the source of Mayim Chayim, i.e. Hashem. Therefore, they will not live; rather, they will die, like animals. They will have no portion in You, for they abandoned You.


Malbim: It will be publicized that they are cursed, as if it was written in a Sefer in the entire land. It is to inform all that they abandoned a source of Mayim Chayim, to dig broken pits [that do not hold water - 2:13].


Why is it written Yesurai, and we pronounce it v'Surai?


Radak #1: The Kesiv refers to those who veer from You. The pronunciation is an adjective in which the middle of the root is not heard as a consonant; rather, it is a Shuruk, like "Surei ha'Gafen Nochriyah" (2:21), "Golah v'Surah" (Yeshayah 49:21), "Nechaletz Chushim" (Bamidbar 32:17) and similar verses. The pronoun 1 is for the Navi, i.e. people who veer from me, they veer from Hashem, for I cling to Him. This is like "k'Chol ha'Torah Asher Tzivcha Moshe Avdi Al Tasur Mimenu" (Yehoshua 1:7}. "Mimenu" refers to Moshe, i.e. his good way. And so Yirmeyah said. V'Surai is those who veer from me, i.e. from my good way; I cling to Hashem.


Radak #2: Perhaps v'Surai is like v'Surim; the Mem showing the plural is omitted. We find like this - "v'Kara Lo Chalonai" (22:14) is like Chalonim, and similar verses.


I.e. the suffix Yud. (PF)


Why does it say that they abandoned a source of Mayim Chayim?


Radak: It is Midah k'Neged Midah. They abandoned You, a source of Mayim Chayim that does not cease. So, those who cling to You, their good does not cease - not in this world, and not in the world to come. These people put their trust in people, the portion of the ground - so they will be written in the ground and not in Shamayim.

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