
When will this cease?


Radak: All the days of Chizkiyah. It does not mean that it will never happen again. We find like this - "va'Amalo Lo Yizkar Od" (Mishlei 31:7), and it is only until the wine wears off. Initially people flattered Resha'im - they called a Naval 'Nadiv', and a Kilai 'Shu'a' (refer to 32:5:2:1, 32:5:3:2, 32:5:4:2. In Chizkiyah's days, they will not fear Resha'im and flatter them.


Who are "Naval" and "Nadiv"?


Radak: Nadiv is one with a good Nefesh; he gives generously. Naval is the opposite - he is lowly. He gives only when forced, and stingily.


Malbim: Naval is openly evil, and also in his thoughts, to Shamayim and to people. Nadiv is [generous], a higher level than Shu'a.


Who is "Kilai"?


Rashi: A swindler - he schemes and plots evil.


Radak: He gives in a measure, and never any more. He is stingy, but not as lowly as Naval.


Malbim: It is one who schemes. His evil is hidden in his heart; he guards not to reveal it. He is not as bad as Naval - even so, they will not call him even Shu'a, which is a lower level than Nadiv.


What is "Shu'a"?


Rashi: It is an expression of a master - all are Sho'in and turn to him.


Radak: He pardons his money greatly. He is happy to give gifts; it is a higher level than Nadiv.


Malbim: It is a lower level than Nadiv.

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