
Why does it say "b'Eden Gan"?


Radak #1: It is as if it says b'Eden b'Gan; the prefix Beis in b'Eden applies also to Gan.


Radak #2: Eden is Samuch to Gan, even though normally Gan is Samuch to Eden. Gan and Eden were two places ? "v'Nahar Yotzei me'Eden Lehashkos Es ha'Gan" (Bereishis 2:10).


Was he in Gan Eden?!


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: With great good and pleasures you indulge yourself, as if you dwell in Hashem's Gan Eden. All wealth, power and honor are given to you; all gems are arranged on your garment.


Rashi (16, citing a Midrash): This refers to Adam ha'Rishon. The Navi says to Chiram, why did you get haughty in your Raki'a 1 ? Were you in Gan Eden, like Adam?


Radak: It is as if you were in Gan Eden; you did not lack anything.


Raki'a can mean canopy; below, Rashi brings that Hashem made Chupos (canopies) for Adam from these gems. However, it seems that here Rashi explains based on Yalkut Shimoni here (367); Chiram made seven Reki'os (firmaments) for himself, to resemble Hashem. (PF)


What is "Mesuchasecha"?


Rashi #1: Your Chupah.


Rashi #2, Targum Yonasan: Your garment.


Radak: Your Geder 1 (wall). This is like "Haser Mesukaso" (Yeshayah 5:5), just here it is written with a Samech. This is an exaggeration, as if the wall of his house, garden or vineyard was of gems.


We corrected the text to say 'Geder' twice in this Dibur; so Radak explained in Yeshayah. I cannot explain our texts of Radak, which say 'Gezer'. (PF)


What is "u'Varkas"?


Radak: This is "u'Varekes" (Shemos 28:17); it is another form of the word.


What is special about the nine gems listed?


Malbim: These are the gems on three rows of the Choshen, but not the third row, for they are from the side of Din and evil 1 .


Malbim: Corresponding to them among the Mazalos, scorpion, the crab and bow [are from Din].


Why is there gold with the gems?


Radak: Gold is the most praised metal. It is put with gems in beautiful, dear works.


Rashi (16, from Bava Basra 75a): I made canopies of these gems for Adam, and the least esteemed was of gold, which is listed last.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The gems are set in gold settings on your garment.


Malbim: Gold is in place of the three missing gems (refer to 28:13:5:1); also it hints to Din.


What is "Meleches Tupecha u'Nkavecha Bach"?


Rashi (from Bava Basra 75a): Even though I gave to you all this honor, I knew that you will become haughty, I made for you drums and [anal] openings that give off 'music' (when passing gas) like a drum. You should have contemplated them [and not become haughty]!


Rashi (16, citing Bava Basra 75a): Only in this way I equated you to Adam, I looked at you, and I created drums and holes in Adam 1 .


Radak: Tupecha is like "b'Sufim uvi'Mcholos" (Shemos 15:20). Nekavecha are musical instruments made with holes. "Bach" is in your house.


Malbim: The verse depicts that in Gan Eden he enjoys also pleasant song. Some musical instruments are hollow and sealed, e.g. Tuf (drums). Some have holes (Nekavecha) from which sound exudes. His body, which has these two kinds of Kelim, will give off the sounds of both kinds of instruments.


I.e. I saw that you would get haughty, therefore I created man with matters to humble him. (PF)


Why does it say "b'Yom Hibara'acha Konanu"?


Radak: It is as if on the day that you were born, these Kelim were established for you. The verse does not say who established them.


Malbim: These Kelim were established in you from birth to be prepared [to make music].

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