
What is "ha'Gizrah"?


Targum Yonasan: Betzurta. Radak - this is height, like "Gedolos u'Vetzuros ba'Shamayim" (Devarim 1:28).


Rashi: The Bayis, which is tall, is called so. The cells, which are short, are called Binyan.


Rashi citing Menachem: It is an expression of a chamber.


Radak: It is the Aliyah. It is called so because it is as if it was cut off from the Bayis, above.


Malbim: The wall of the Binyan has three names ? Gizrah, Binyan and Kir ha'Binyan. The coming verse mentions all of these. Gizrah is special for the Ulam, Heichal and Kodshei Kodoshim and their walls. Gizrah implies that it is cut off and separate unto itself in Kedushah. It was 100 Amos tall; the cells were only 15 tall. They are called Binyan.


What is the meaning of "veha'Binyan Asher Al Pnei ha'Gizrah"?


Rashi: The width of the entire building in the west ? the width of the Bayis, the thickness of the northern and southern walls, the northern and southern cells, and the thickness of their walls in the north and south. It is 70, and so it was in Bayis Sheni (Midos 4:7).


What is "Pe'as Derech Yam"?


Rashi: It is the west 1 .


Rashi (Shemos 26:18): Pe'ah can mean direction; it need not mean corner.


What comprised the 70 Amos?


Rashi: The north cell was four, its walls were 10, there were five Amos between the cells and the Bayis ? this is 19. The width of the Yesod of the walls was included in the cell 1 and the empty area. The wall of the Heichal was six thick ? this is 25 in all. Likewise there were 25 Amos on the other side, and the interior of the Heichal was 20 wide.


Radak: Perhaps this refers to the measures of the Aliyos on the Bayis. He measured their width in the west. It says that the width of the walls was five, for they are included. It was 100 wide in the east, for the Ulam extended another 30 Amos ? 15 on each side. Midos (4:7) counts from north to south - the wall of the Mesibah was five, the Mesibah was three, the wall of the cell was five, the cell was six, the wall of the Heichal was six, its interior was 20, [the wall of the Heichal was six], the cell was six, the wall of the cell was five, Beis Horedes ha'Mayim 2 was three, and [its] wall was five.


Malbim: The Heichal from north to south was 32 (the interior was 20, and each wall was six). The cells were 19 (the walls were 10, and the interior was five for the outer part of the cell and four for the inner 3 [on each side].


I do not know why Rashi said 'Chalal' ? if the Yesod was under the interior and the empty area, surely it was also under the wall of the cell! (PF)


Tif'eres Yisrael (Midos 4:7): So is called the space between the southern wall and the wall of the cells, for the Heichal's roof and the southern cells' roofs were slanted, and rainwater fell to there.


The Heichal wall was one wall of the interior part of the cell. There were also the outer wall of the outer part, and the wall that divides the cell into two. (PF)


What is "Kir ha'Binyan"?


Rashi: The walls of the cells.


Vilna Gaon: It is the wall in back of the western cell (between it and the Munach); it was five thick, and so was the wall on the other side of the Munach.


Malbim: This is the wall of Chatzer ha'Penimi. It enclosed the Bayis ? 100 Amos on each side. Refer to 41:12:1:5.


What comprised the 90 Amos?


Rashi: The length of the cells and the Munach was 90 in the north and south, excluding Beis ha'Chalifos, which is not counted, for it jutted out to the north and south. It was not even with the rest of the Binyan. The Bayis was 30 wider in front than in back 1 . It was taught (Midos 4:7) that the Ulam extended 15 Amos past the Heichal in the north and in the south. It was called Beis ha'Chalifos, for there they hide the knives 2 . It was 10 wide; 90 remained for the length of the Heichal, and it was 70 wide. The entire Bayis was 100 long, like it says here (13-14) and in Midos (4:6-7).


Vilna Gaon: The western wall of Kodesh ha'Kodoshim was six, its interior was 20, the wall between Kodesh ha'Kodoshim and the Heichal was four ? so far, this is 30. The interior of the Heichal was 40, the wall of the Heichal was six, the interior of the Ulam was 11, and its wall was three ? in all, this is 90.


Malbim: This is from west to east, from the western wall of Kodesh ha'Kodoshim until the end of the wall of the Ulam. The cells extended along this entire length 3 . The western wall of Kodesh ha'Kodoshim was six, its interior was 20, the wall between Kodesh ha'Kodoshim and the Heichal was two, the interior of the Heichal was 40, the wall of the Heichal was six, the interior of the Ulam was 11, and its wall was five.


Radak: It is like a lion which is wider in front ? "Hoy Ari'el Ari'el Kiryas Chanah David" (Yeshayah 29:1).


Bartenura (Midos 4:7): In Roman, big knives are called Chalafin.


Malbim: There was one cell opposite the western wall of Kodesh ha'Kodoshim It was 10 wide ? its interior was five and its wall was five. It was 32 wide, like the Heichal alone without the cells on the north and south. The northwest and southwest corners were empty of cells.

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