
What is the "T'nuch Ozen"?


Rashi and Targum Yonasan: It is the cartilage in the middle section of the ear.


Targum Onkelos: It is the top section of the ear.


On which part of the thumb did Moshe place the blood of the ram of Mulu'im?


Rashi: On the middle joint. 1


See Sifsei Chachamim.


Why were the blood of the Eil ha'Milu'im and the oil placed specifically on these three locations?


Oznayim la'Torah: The entire body of the Kohen Gadol was consecrated by the Begadim that covered it, with the exception of the face, the hands and the feet, which were uncovered - the latter two so that there should not be a Chatzitzah. Consequently, his face was consecrated by the two drops of oil that ran from his head down to his beard, 1 leaving only his ears, his hands and his feet to be consecrated by the blood of the Eil ha'Miyu'im and the oil.


As the Gemara describes in Horayos, 12a (Oznayim la'Torah).


Having already been anointed - in Pasuk 7, why did Aharon need to be anointed again together with his sons?


Oznayim la'Torah #1: Refer to 29:20:3:1.


Oznayim la'Torah #2: This was necessary because, although he had been anointed in his capacity as Kohen Gadol, he needed to be anointed as a Kohen Hedyot in order to share with his sons the advantage of a Kohen Hedyot - that of permanence, seeing as, unlike a Kohen Hedyot, who can never lose his status as a Kohen, a Kohen , under certain circumstances, be deposed.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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