
What did Moshe mean when he stated "Im Ein Panecha Holchim ... "?


Rashi and Targum Onkelos: 'That is precisely what I want, because if it is via a Mal'ach, 1 don't take us up from here!' 2


Ramban #1 (citing the Ibn Ezra) and Hadar Zekenim (citing R. Yosef): Hashem promised Moshe "va'Hanichosi Lach" (singular, I will go with you exclusively). Moshe replied that unless He goes with all of Yisrael, He should not take them up. 3


Ramban #2 (on Pasuk 12, according to Kabalah): He now asked that Hashem should lead them personally 4 - 'be'Ko'ach Gadol u've'Yad Chazakah', just as He took them out of Egypt, 5 and as He initially promised them. 6


Targum Yonasan: He meant that if Hashem's anger is not removed, He should take them from there with an angry countenance".


And not via the Shechinah (Targum Onkelos).


See Sifsei Chachamim.


See Ramban's objections to this explanation.


Not via an angel at all (Ramban).


See 32:11 (Ramban).


See 6:6-8 (Ramban).


How could Moshe say "Im Ein Panecha Holchim..." after Hashem said "Panai Yelechu..."!


Refer to 33:15:1:3 & 4.


Hadar Zekenim #1: He meant that they should not leave there until Hashem's anger departs and He would go with them.


Hadar Zekenim #2 (in Pasuk 14) and Da'as Zekenim #2: Even though Hashem said that He would go with Yisrael, Moshe was still concerned on account of "Pen Achelcha ba'Derech" - in Pasuk 2.


Da'as Zekenim and Rosh (in 34:14): Because Hashem told Moshe "va'Hanichosi lach" (singular) - that Moshe alone would enjoy the radiance of the Shechinah), but Yisrael would not, and Moshe wanted that all of Yisrael would be on a par with him.


Riva (in Pasuk 17): When Hashem said "Panai Yelechu...", He meant 'when they go 1 to Eretz Yisrael', to which Moshe replied "If You do not go with us immediately, will not be immediately, don't take us from here!'


Perhaps this means 'come to Eretz Yisrael' - since Yisrael left Har Sinai in order to go to Eretz Yisrael (only they were delayed due to the sin of the ha'Meraglim) PF.

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