
What does this Mizmor discuss?


Rashi: It is of love-sickness, and the affliction of Galus.


Radak: It is about Bnei ha'Galus.


Malbim: It is about a Choleh who despairs and screams in his illness. There is no consolation in his Tefilah from the beginning to the end, so he screams (refer to 88:1:3:2). This is a metaphor for the Jewish nation, which is like a Choleh at the gates of death. It seems that he already died, and lies in the grave; this is a metaphor for losing its kingship. Ceasing to be a nation [in its land] and being spread among many nations who conquered them to be slaves, this is like a grave in which the general body of the nation was buried - "Hine Ani Pose'ach Es Kivroseichem


Why does it say "Al Machalas"?


Radak: We do not know the [Perush of the] titles of the Mizmorim.


Radak citing Shocher Tov: Hashem said, praise Me, and whatever You request, I am Mochel (pardon) to you.


Why does it say "Le'anos"?


Radak: "Zechor Hashem l'David Es Kol Unoso" (132:1).


Malbim: It is to scream and raise the voice 1 .


Rashi (Devarim 26:5): "V'Anisa" is raising the voice.


What do we learn from "Maskil"?


Rashi: Whenever it says Maskil, it was said via a translator. When a spirit of Nevu'ah came to him, he told the Nevu'ah to the translator, and he broadcast it.


Malbim: He has words of good Sechel (intellect) about the nation's illness and pains.


Malbim: A wise person will understand the metaphor of this Mizmor.


Who is Heiman ha'Ezrachi?


Rashi: He is one of those who sing with an instrument. Bnei Korach composed this for Heiman to sing it on the Duchan. Heiman descended from Zerach ben Yehudah (Radak therefore he is called ha'Ezrachi) - "u'Vnei Zerach Zimri v'Eisan v'Heiman v'Chalkol va'Dara" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 2:6). They were great Chachamim, like it says about Shlomo "va'Yechkam mi'Eisan ha'Ezrachi v'Heiman v'Chalkol va'Darda Bnei Machol" (Melachim I, 5:11). They composed Mizmorim and they are fixed in Sefer Tehilim. Therefore, they are called Bnei Machol 1 .


Radak: Perhaps it is the singer Heiman who descended from Shmuel. I do not know why he is called ha'Ezrachi.


Rashi (Melachim I, 5:11): The Mizmorim were said with Mecholos. (It seems that this is the name of an instrument - PF.)

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