
What is the significance of "Silah Kol Abirei Hashem"?


Sanhedrin 104b: Hashem rendered the mighty ones useless, like a coin that was Nifsal (disqualified).


Rav Sadya Gaon: He already exiled all my esteemed people from my midst.


Rashi: Silah is an expression of trampling, like "Solu Solu ha'Mesilah" (Yeshayah 62:10). Ri Kara - He made them like earth, to be trampled.


Ibn Ezra: Silah is based on Mesilah 1 . Hashem trampled the mighty warriors of Yehudah onto the path. It is as if He summonsed people to break the Giborim of Yehudah, and their blood was spilled like juice of grapes in a winepress.


Palgei Mayim: Tzadikim are called Abirei - "Shim'u Elai Abirei Lev ha'Rechokim mi'Tzdakah" (Yeshayah 46:12); Chazal said that they are Tzadikim (Brachos 17b). Silah is clearing, like "Solu Solu ha'Mesilah." All the Abirim that were amidst me, Hashem cleared them from Yerushalayim. "He'Charash veha'Masger" (Melachim II, 24:14 - great Chachamim) were exiled first; afterwards, when my shields were diminished ["Kara Alai Mo'ed


Magihah (in Toras Chayim): Silah is trampling and compressing the ground to make it proper to walk on it. So Hashem did to people.


How did He call a Mo'ed on me?


Rav Sadya Gaon: He gathered meetings against me.


Rashi: He designated troops to come against me. Ri Kara - He decreed this. Kara is like "Ki Kara Hashem la'Ra'av" (Melachim II, 8:1).


Rashi citing Ta'anis 29a: In the second year in the Midbar, Hashem caused Tamuz to be full 1 (30 days), in order that the Meraglim would return on the night of Tish'ah b'Av, which was fixed for crying for generations. Rid - Mo'ed is a time designated for punishments.


R. Avigdor: Rosh Chodesh is called Mo'ed (Shevu'os 10a). (Hashem caused the Meraglim to go miraculously fast (Bamidbar Rabah 16:15). He could have caused them to return on Tish'ah b'Av even if Tamuz were Chaser! However, He wanted to decree 40 years corresponding to the 40 days of the Meraglim's mission. - PF)


What is the significance of breaking Bachurai?


R. Avigdor citing Eichah Rabah 1:44: The passing of Bachurim is like the day of Churban Beis ha'Mikdash.


Palgei Mayim: These are the Tzadikim who remained [after "he'Charash veha'Masger" were exiled].


What winepress did Hashem stomp?


Rav Sadya Gaon: It is as if He stomped Kahal Yehudah in a winepress.


Rashi: Darach is an expression of killing - "Purah Darachti Levadi" (Yeshayah 63:3), like one who stomps grapes to extract their wine. So He stomped people to extract their blood.


Ibn Ezra: Also Darach is like Silah (refer to 1:15:1:4*).


What is "Besulas Bas Yehudah"?


Ibn Ezra: Bas Yehudah is the Shevet that Yehudah fathered; Besulas Bas Yehudah is Yerushalayim.


Ri Kara: It is Am Yehudah, which is like a Besulah that sits in serenity, and "never put her foot on the ground" (Devarim 28:56).


Palgei Mayim: It is the commoners of Yisrael.

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