
Did Shlomo see everything?


Rav Sadya Gaon: He saw all this [that our verse discusses].


Seforno: He saw Midah k'Neged Midah for good and for bad.


Metzudas David: He saw everything that happens in the world.


Why does it say "Ra'isi bi'Ymei Hevli"?


Rashbam: I put to my heart to see several things in my days of Hevel in worldly matters.


Metzudas David: Man's days are called Yemei Hevel, for they are not forever.


What is "Yesh Tzadik Oved b'Tzidko"?


Rashi (from Yerushalmi Nazir 7:1): Even though he perishes, he persists in his virtue, like Yosef ben Pinchas ha'Kohen. His foot was gangrene. They called the doctor to cut off his foot. Yosef said, when only a thread remains attached, inform me; he did. Yosef told his son, until now you needed to serve me; from now and onwards you need (may) not, for a Kohen may not become Tamei for Ever Min ha'Chai from his father.


Ibn Ezra: "Yesh" means that it occurs sporadically. His virtue makes him perish, e.g. one who constantly fasts.


Rashbam: He perishes because he is too virtuous, e.g. he is killed due to a light Mitzvah. He does not expound for himself "va'Chai Bahem" (Vayikra 18:5), and not to die through them.


Ri Kara: He dies while he is still a Tzadik.


R. Avigdor citing Koheles Rabah: Sometimes Hashem knows that a Tzadik will sin. Hashem kills him while he is still a Tzadik 1 .


Seforno: He died due to a sin from which he did not repent. His merits did not save him; a Mitzvah does not extinguish an Aveirah (Sotah 21a). Therefore, one should guard all Mitzvos without addition or detraction. Both adding and detracting are Aveiros (Devarim 3:11), and no good deed will save from punishment for this.


Metzudas David: He dies because he sinned a little, and he was mostly virtuous. Hashem is meticulous with Tzadikim like a hair's breadth. If he were not a total Tzadik, he would not be punished for this.


Bereishis Rabah 25:1 says so about Chanoch. (PF)


What is the meaning of "v'Yesh Rasha Ma'arich b'Ra'aso"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: They let him [live] long and do evil.


Ibn Ezra: He persists many days in his evil. He eats and drinks and rejoices in bodily delights.


Rashbam: Really, he is a Tzadik. He is called a Rasha because he transgressed a light Mitzvah, and lived. He [properly] expounded "va'Chai Bahem", and not to die through them.


Ri Kara: He lives long while he is still a Rasha.


Seforno: Hashem pays him reward for a good deed that he did. His evil cannot extinguish that merit.


Metzudas David: His days of good are lengthened because his evil overpowered. He has many days of good to deprive him of the world to come.


Here it says "v'Yesh Rasha Ma'arich b'Ra'aso." Below (8:15), it says "v'Tov Lo Yihyeh la'Rasha v'Lo Ya'arich Yamim"!


Ibn Ezra (7:3): Our verse occurs sporadically. Below is the norm.


Refer to 7:15:4:3.

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