
What is the connection between this Pasuk and the previous one?


Ramban #1: It refers to the beginning of the previous Pasuk "ve'Lo Kam Navi od ke'Moshe... le'Chol ha'Osos...." 1


Ramban #2 and Seforno: It refers to "asher Yeda'o Hashem Panim el Panim... be'Osos u've'Mofsim... " - all of which were performed with the Name of Hashem. 2


Ramban #3: 'There did not arise in Yisrael a Navi like Moshe whom Hashem knew face to face, and who performed signs and wonders with a strong hand and with great fear like Moshe'. And even if they performed some of them, they neither reached what Moshe did in volume nor in the level magnificence of those performed by him. 3


Ramban: As the Torah wrote in Devarim 4:37.


Seforno: Which Hashem sent him to perform in Egypt - unlike the revelation at the burning bush, where the Torah states "Ki Yarei me'Habit el ha'Elokim", unlike, as opposed to Moshe's subsequent level, which the Torah in Bamidbar 12:8 describes as "u'Semunas Hashem Yabit!"


Ramban: Thus we find that there was no day that can compare to Yom Matan Torah before or since; nor did any other Navi achieve a constant miracle such as the Manna, the pillars of cloud and fire, the well, the quails - according to Chazal in Ta'anis, 9a (that they fell regularly throughout their stay in the desert), and the fact that they traveled through a desert that contained snakes, serpents, scorpions and no water, yet they lacked nothing - for 40 years,


What is the difference between the prophecy of Moshe and the other prophets?


Refer to Bamidbar, 12:6:2:2-4 & 12:7:1:1-2.


Ramban #1 (citing Rambam): Moshe's prophecy was unique inasmuch as his prophesies materialized publicly, before the eyes of both those who argued with him and those who agreed with him, 1 as opposed to other prophets, who only prophesied before individuals. 2 Moreover, they took place immediately, to counter his detractors. 3


Ramban #2: Refer to 34:11:1:3*.


Ramban #3 (according to Kabalah): Inasmuch as Hashem spoke with Moshe "Panim el Panim", 4 which He did not do with all the other prophets.


Oznayim la'Torah: Other prophets also performed miracles and wonders. Only they would Daven for Hashem to do - in order miracles according to the need of that moment, whereas Hashem sent Moshe to perform miracles, signs and wonders in order to publicize His Great Name in the world - so that 'You should tell it to the ears of your children and grandchildren'. 5


Ramban (Ibid.): As this Pasuk testifies.


Ramban (Ibid.): As in Melachim 2. 8:4.


Ritva, to answer the Ramban's questions against the Rambam - See R. Chavel's footnotes.


Refer to 34:10:2:4.


Bo Sh'mos, 10:2.


What are "Kol ha'Osos ve'ha'Mofsim referring to?


Sifri: They are referring to the miracles in Egypt and at the Yam-Suf.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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